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Fish Farm Feed Barge

Bradan Beo Teoranta logo

CLIENT: Bradán Beo Teoranta
LOCATION: Galway, Ireland
BRIEF: Fish Farm Feed Barge automated safety deployment gangway for tender boats, operated by remote control.

Man on gangway

The biggest safety issue in fish farming involves the transfer of crew from vessels (feed vessels, support vessels, visitor craft – eg fish health personnel etc) to the barge.  Many fish farm sites are quite exposed to wave and tide, so the transfer can be particularly hazardous.

The MMG Ocean gangway can be deployed by remote control (from the approaching vessel) onto the deck of the attending vessel, allowing the crew to transfer to the barge with complete safety – based on compliant step angles, robust high automatically deployed handrails, with automatic hinging with the movement of vessel and barge.

Folded gangway